About Us

FLEETO, a brand owned by Fleetworth Automotives Pvt Ltd, was established in 2019 with an aim to bring to you the most economical and best-designed electric two wheelers. At FLEETO we believe in providing affordable mobility options that are environmentally friendly.

FLEETO two wheelers runs on the core principles of sustainability and affordability. Our team is constantly innovating to find greener mobility solutions that are cheap and easy to maintain. The world, at present, has an urgent need for zero emission vehicles. Fuel combustion by motor vehicles and the resulting carbon emissions from it are one of the leading causes for climate change in the world. Finding alternative modes of transport is vital if we want to build a sustainable future for our next generation. FLEETO is proud to be one of India’s leading manufacturers for electric two wheelers.

We, at FLEETO, are passionate about bringing environment-friendly mobility through electric two wheelers which can be afforded by the masses and has very low maintenance costs. Our company holds the respected ICAT Certification for two wheeler manufacturing in India.

Why Choose Fleeto Bike?
  • Get quality product at affordable price
  • Great customer support
  • Availability of spare parts
  • Reduce carbon footprint with zero emissions vehicle
  • Eco-friendly & economical
  • Low-cost maintenance
  • Long-lasting batteries
Our Mission

To be the leading player in the affordable electric vehicle segment.

Our Vision

To contribute to India’s net-zero emission target by reducing the carbon footprint through zero emission vehicles.

Core Values

We believe in customer satisfaction by delivering products of best quality.